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maple Farm

at the wohlschlegel estate

Bringing Maple Syrup From Our Finger Lakes Forest To Your Table


Located in the heart of the Finger Lakes region of western New York, The Naples Maple Farm evokes a sundry blend of a modern maple syrup sugar house with a great appreciation for the history of our trade and the environment. We hope you will visit us to take in our scenic forest and learn about how a maple farm operates and taste our delicious products!

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The Wohlschlegel family has been making maple syrup for more than 30 years, and it all began as a hobby in a converted chicken coup, dubbed Harley’s Sap Shack. With a much smaller system, the family would make about 30 gallons of syrup in a good year.


Then in September of 2010, they took a big step and built their new sugar house (with a view!) atop the hills of Naples, with more than 40 acres of maple trees. Operations expanded from about 150 taps at the sap shack to more than 4,200 taps today! With a much larger evaporator, a steam-away and a reverse osmosis system on a wet-dry conductive vacuum, the sugar house was transformed into an energy-efficient, state-of-the-art maple farm. 


The Wohlschlegels were committed to the environment and to sustaining forests, watershed, and healthy habitats. They worked closely with their local Department of Environmental Conservation forester and have a forest management plan in place. Their sugarbush is part of the Canandaigua Lake watershed and does not use any herbicides or pesticides.


Their maple products have recently won ribbons (granulated maple sugar and gourmet maple cream spread) in competitions at the NYS Fair. 


Before retiring, Gary and Bobbi spent time mentoring the current owners, Amiel & Jeremy, in the ways of maple production and sustainability.




Michal-Kathryn and Jeremy Hinz, long-time friends of the Wohlschlegel family, took over the maple farm in February 2023. They hoped to keep this family-owned operation "in the family" as much as possible.


Jeremy, a fine dining chef by trade, has loved making and serving luxury eats for years. Sourcing locally grown products have always been a must for him. So naturally, when the opportunity arose to own and operate a local finger lakes farm, he jumped at the chance.


Michal-Kathryn, a Bristol native, has enjoyed the local vibes of the finger lakes. She has been a photographer and planner in the wedding industry for over 15 years. Since meeting her husband in 2010, she has dreamed of a family business where both their passions for food and events could be mingled. 


Amiel Mokhiber Jr. is the energy behind this operation. Amiel brings the unique experience of running family-owned restaurants for over thirty years. When he got wind of the Hinz plans for the maple farm, he couldn't help but jump on board and start tapping trees. His love for food, family, and the outdoors came to fruition in this exciting endeavor. 

“The feeling of accomplishment is a major satisfaction of running a maple operation. One can follow the process from start to finish and then some. Providing high quality, mineral rich maple products for customers is paramount. Meeting with our loyal customers, networking and sharing with the maple community is also enriching and rewarding.”

The Wohlschlegels

our syrup


We currently offer Grade A Golden, Amber, Dark and Very Dark New York Maple Syrup! These grades correspond with both the color of the maple syrup and the slightly different taste for each. 

You may be surprised to discover that the maple grades don’t have anything to do with how the syrup is made, but are instead an indication of when the syrup is made. The lightest, golden syrup is made early in the season in the coldest weather, while the darkest syrup comes latest in the season as the weather warms. 


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